Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Once upon a time there was a poor cab driver and three fat, rich bears.

One night the three bears went for a ride in the driver's cab.  Papa bear sat in the middle, mama on the right and baby bear on the left.

The driver started driving straight ahead and asked them where did they want to go? Mama said go right, papa said go straight ahead and baby bear said turn left.

If the driver turned left papa and baby bear yelled at him.  If he turned right mama and papa bear yelled at him.  If he went straight who said what?

The driver could not win.  No matter which way he turned he was always wrong.  There were always two against him.

Now the driver was a nice enuff guy who only wanted to make enuff for a bowl of soup and a glass of beer.  Not only that it was late and he was tired and didn;t give a damn where they wanted to go as long as they payed the price.

He had played this game before with other fat, rich bears and knew what to do.  The only sensible, intelligent thing he could do.  He pulled over to the curb, stopped the cab, turned off the engine and in a loud, threatening voice said;

"As soon as you guys get your shit together we can get to where were going".

They collectively stared at the driver, then at each other.  They held an election and appointed mama bear as the spokes person.  Who then instructed the driver to turn left.  The driver went left and within ten minutes they were at their destinastion.

Again the driver pulled over to the curb, parked, stopped the engine, turned around and said, O.K. who's going to pay?

They stared at the driver, then at each other.  As could be expected they couldn't agree on who was going to pay.  A big fight broke out.  They tore up the cab then jumped out and ran down a dark alley.

The driver was left standing in the pouring rain with out a penny in his pocket, not to mention the loss of time and gas.

The driver was not a fool.  He wrote a story, drew a picture and sold it and lived happily ever after

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